Bible Cartoon

This Was Your Best Life Now! (Act VI)

~ ACT VI ~


A couple of things …

First — Along with all of God’s other attributes, can He be too forgiving?

Second — All of us, the good, the bad, and the ugly, we all live and breath in the presence of God. My opinion on Hell is this: being “cast into hell” is being ushered into a place where God has chosen not to be. A place where He has withdrawn His presence. So, those choosing to “burn in hell” exist as they desire to — but they exist outside of the presence of God. Problem is that God is what holds this universe together. “He is before all things, and in him all things hold together.”* Existing outside of God’s presence would be continually flying apart — continuous destruction.

impeach-godHow can God send people to Hell? — That question has always bothered me. But now I think I have an answer. Hell will be a choice. There will be people who so hate God that they will choose never to be in His presence — ever.

*Col 1:17

~ la fin ~